This article was originally written by Laura Scharle (Creator of Delmarva Trails & Waterways) for MarylandRoadTrips.com.
Maryland has some world-class bike trails, and people come from all over to ride them. The 20-mile Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail, the 13-mile Baltimore & Annapolis Trail, and of course the 184-mile C&O Canal Trail, are among some of the most popular trails in the state. I grew up just down the road from the Torrey C. Brown Trail and riding it was a staple in my childhood. But when it comes to exploring Maryland’s bike trails, the Eastern Shore, where I live now, doesn’t get much attention.
The Eastern Shore is the ideal spot to pedal some miles. It’s flat, trails are paved, there are some gorgeous waterfront views, and some of the trails pass through quaint, historic towns. It’s true that the Eastern shore trails don’t compare in distance to some of the trails listed above, but I’m here to tell you that riding the eastern shore bike trails will be well worth your time. Read more...